Island Boys Logo

I'm an Island Boy holding them
Island Boys Coins

Don’t get caught not holding any $IBC. With next-level tokenomics and rewards, it’s the hottest investment of 2022.

Buy on QuickSwap Join the Telegram

🚀 Growth

3% of transactions get added to the marketing wallet to fuel expansion and growth.


💰 Reflection

3% of transactions get redistributed back to holders. Buy early and hold!


📈 Buy Back

3% of transactions are bought back, burned & repo is added to the liquidity pool.

What is $IBC?

We're just some Island Boys
trying to make it.

Missed out on opportunities to invest in crypto? We created the $IBC token to give people a second chance to make life-changing wealth. Now is your opportunity to buy in early and hold to earn more and receive upcoming NFT and Metaverse rewards.

NFT Collection

Rug Free

Community Driven

Holder Milestones



Original Supply

50% Burned

Smart Transactions

9% of all transactions reward holders and fuel growth!

Transaction Breakdown

🚀 Growth: 3%
💰 Reflection: 3%
📈 Buyback: 3%

Upcoming Launch

NFT Collection

The first 1,000 token holders get first access to our official NFT launch!
Be sure to join our Telegram to stay up-to-date with the launch!


$IBC Launch

Telegram & Discord

Influencer Marketing

Community AMA

NFT Launch
1,000 Holders


First Access

Art Preview

Exclusive Staking

Fuel for the Ship

Official Shoutouts

Quick-Buy Guide

How do I buy $IBC?

The steps below is for more experienced buyers.
If you're new to crypto or need more in-depth instructions, please visit this page: How To Buy $IBC on QucikSwap.


Buy MATIC or ETH on or (we recommend MATIC).


Next you'll need a wallet. offers the most popular and functional option on the market, all available in a browser extension. If you need help setting up your Metamask Wallet, here is a guide.


Transfer your MATIC or ETH that you bought in step 1 to your Metamask wallet.


Head to and login with your Metamask wallet. Follow the prompts and allow Polygon to view your accounts and addresses.


Add the Polygon Mainnet to your Metamask Wallet. Steps to do so can be found here.


Click on “Polygon Bridge”. Choose the MATIC or ETH you transferred to your Metamask Wallet.


Enter the amount of MATIC or ETH that you want to transfer to the Polygon Network & make the transfer.


If you used ETH, click "Token Swap" in the left menu and swap your ETH to MATIC. If you sent MATIC to your Metamask Wallet, you can skip this step.


Head over to and connect your wallet. Click the gear icon on the top right of the QuickSwap menu bar & set the "Slippage Tolerance" to 10%. You MUST do this in order to buy $IBC!


If you clicked the direct link above, IBC should already be selected. If it's not, select the token dropdown menu in the "To" section. Paste in $IBC address: 0x5F77B495f6C828fCeD514D91F6bFCb0C774654AC. Swap your MATIC for IBC.